Tuesday 5 December 2017

You are Guilty , Just like I am

Tell me...How do you define a good parent? Placing your child in a school or day care you can barely afford? Buying them the most updated gadgets? A Pizza a week? Trips to Disney? Branded clothes?Perfectly nutritious meals? Etc Etc Etc

And while you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to give the best of the best to your child, your child is on your phone,laptop or tablet learning from me. 

Do these "Etc's" really justify neglecting your children in Cyberspace?
Out of your protective sphere and into my Realm?
I love the irony....here I am right in front of you abusing your child and yet you don't see me. 
How is that possible you ask?
It quite simple you see....while you are typing away furiously on your keyboard trying to get that Bonus to pay for that expensive pageant for your child, I am the one taking your child on a magical journey through cyberspace right through your own phone or computer. 

You think i only exist in a physical form? Well think again..
In a virtual world I have many faces. I am that virus that hacks your cameras, I am that website that promotes porn. I am that video with sexual overtures, I am those suggestive lyrics of a catchy song, I am that pop up that has no restrictions. I am that online best friend who never judges, never tells them to do their chores or homework. 

Yes your children are happy playing on your latest I phones and Androids, happily surfing away into oblivion. Crossing the streets of Cyberspace without any Zebra Crossings.You are happy too, your child sitting quietly , giving you a chance to compose that sooo important email.
Guess what..I am happy too! 

Is this not neglect on your part as a parent, the self declared guardians of children.
Does this neglect not cause emotional abuse? Does this not open the doors to my kind of physical abuse?

What is child abuse? According to WHO (world health organization)  Child Abuse is also any act or failure to act by a parent or caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a child.

What does this have to do with a tech savvy, gadget addicted child? How does gadget addiction cause potential harm? I guess i need to spell it out for you, so here goes nothing:

  1. Hinders Brain DevelopmentStudies have shown that too much gadgets may negatively affect a child’s brain on its functioning, and may even cause attention deficit, cognitive delays, impaired learning, increased impulsivity, and decreased ability to self-regulation.
  2. Violence: Most popular kids cartoons display severe violence. Children raised on viewing  hours of such aggravated behavior start displaying it eventually. Tantrums are the most common form of aggressiveness among toddlers growing into disobedience.
  3. Hinders communication and Social skills:When children spend most of their time on technology and less time with people, it stops interaction and disrupts the normal communication skill development .Its no wonder that toddlers and parents have such a hard time communicating when they choose to be surrounded by inanimate objects.
  4. Most importantly it exposes your child to me.

Shall I go on about vision impairment, sleep deprivation, addiction..etc etc etc.

All you want to do is keep your kid quiet (as is always the case).
So you give them permission to explore the unknown with absolutely no regard to their safety. While you are winning the trust of your clients I am winning the trust of your child.
Yes, if I am guilty of abuse then so are you my dear parents.I get hanged or a life sentence if i am caught, What punishment do you deserve?

My kind of abuse is not the only kind...in fact one can argue that your kind of abuse gives my kind of abuse an opportunity to expand my playing field.

 Once again I tell you why I am telling you this ? 
Because come morning you will still think its okay to hand your minor child your phone while you try to give them a better life.

Because you yourself are so desensitized and addicted to gadgets that even while you are reading this your child is probably watching the inappropriate gyrating movements of the latest pop song video and while that child is trying to mimic those inappropriate moves you will only be thinking of the next dance competition you can enter your child into.
 As for me I will simply be watching and waiting for you to desensitize your own child to the sexual nature of the world. I will read to them instead of handing them a kindle. I will sing them a lullaby instead of handing them headphones. I will take them to the park instead of handing them a playstation. I will talk to them instead of chatting on social media.

Then I will strike!

Go ahead prove me wrong and make your kid a priority instead of adding zeros to your paycheck, cause if you do not then I certainly will make them my priority!

I have had my say. What you gotta say for yourselves? Look in the mirror and tell me ...Who's the Abuser now?


  1. Excellent explanation in such a simple language
    Great efforts

  2. Excellent explanation in such a simple language
    Great efforts

    1. humble efforts of a mother to raise awareness on child abuse.

  3. Replies
    1. thank you dear .do read the previous blog and visit us on www.thefightbackclub.com and like us at www.facebook.com/thefightbackclub to stay updated on child abuse

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good effort . Well said the reality in simple terms... But practicality ?...Lies in their hands.

    1. which is exactly why awareness is needed. Simple parenting mistakes can lead to deadly consequences in todays global world.
      do read the previous blog and visit us on www.thefightbackclub.com and like us at www.facebook.com/thefightbackclub to stay updated on child abuse
