Wednesday 6 September 2017

So I heard you wanted to talk to me? Understand what makes me tick? You wanted to know me?Sure, Let's Talk.

You people live in a country where you genuinely want to make it a better place, so you try so hard to give people the benefit of doubt.You strive not to talk bad about people. You believe that people can repent for their bad deeds. You forgive and try to forget. YOU LET GO! That is exactly what i count on...your Denial, your Confusion, your Fear...your Silence.

I started out no different than your children. I grew up in a middle class family with stressed out parents who had lots of love for me but never enough time. Very lonely and five years of age ,my father introduced me to FriendUncle.

I still remember the first time I met him. Kind eyes, soft smile and lots of fun. He talked to me, not at me. I liked him. We talked every time he came over and he even took me to the park and bought me my favorite ice cream. He loved me ,he said. Then one day that love turned confusing, frightening & painful...but he said it was okay..he was teaching me how to be a grown up. He said to trust him.  I kept my silence. Too ashamed to let my parents know. It continued to where after a few years it seemed normal. The gifts and attention never stopped, neither did the love nor the pain.

Then one day it did. It stopped. The gifts, the attention, the pain, the love. He said he loved me but I had grown into a teenager and did not need him anymore.He said to trust him. I was scared all over again and even more confused. Used to a routine, my mind & body felt things I needed to share, but who would understand? I could never share them with a grown up around me, so i shared them with my younger cousin, 8 yrs old. It was easy. he trusted me. I was a teenager so using my size and status was not too hard to get what i wanted. i truly hated myself. As time passed it became easier to love the unloved.

(Feeling Sorry For Me Yet ?See how easy it is? Earning your sympathy is the first step)

I am not a bad person, I love children. Especially the ones who are shy, naive, lonely, alone, small and have not been taught that silly talk about good touch/ bad touch. ..What nonsense! You don't understand that a child can never get enough love and attention matter how much you try. I am simply filling your shoes for a while. You don't believe me? Lets me tell you how it goes.

Little Rikki was such a sweet boy .Big house, good parents, good school, good everything. Always smiling and happy, he brought so much joy wherever he went. Such an angelic face. For me it was love at first sight. 

(What? have you never told your friends that you simply adore her /his child? Nothing wrong with that. Its normal).

I was his new driver uncle. Oh, how much we talked everyday to school and back. He loved sugarcane juice. So we started stopping everyday to drink a glass after school.One day as Little Rikki fell down at football practice. My heart stopped. I immediately rushed him to the doctors office and got him fixed up just as his parents came running .They thanked me for taking such good care of him. Soon I was driving him to school, practice, after school studies and even some school activities. His parents were only too happy to even let me babysit for Little Rikki.

(gaining the trust of  child, building a child's self esteem, appealing to a child's need to be heard ,valued and appreciated. Lowering a child's inhibitions by playing on their natural curiosity by gradual seduction. Its so easily irresistible!

Gaining a Parents trust in this country is even easier ..many working parents are overly desperate for readily available babysitters and those offering extra free attention to their child. Let's not forget that I am a Master Manipulator who has yet to be caught!)

Sadly me and Little Rikki could never enjoy the fufilment of our relationship because of that pesky neighbor ..Mrs Sharma and I had to quit my job and move away. However there were plenty more at the school I joined in the new town. 

 I never forgot Little Rikki and maybe someday i might be friends with his children. He trusts me. Children cannot stand up to me unless they are proactively educated and prepared beforehand to do so. 

Which is why I love this country where goodness is preached from every religious and social loudspeaker. Where maintaining a social status in society is more important than the safety of children. Where parents neither want to know about me or what I do or even that I could be living in their homes. Where people pretend not to see me , even as I stand in front of them. You think if you close your eyes and look the other way , I will simply vanish. Hilarious. Some of you even have the audacity to tell your children to take it as life's lesson and be quiet.

You say I make you sick ...well i have news for you. You make me sick. 

You have rights, You have Laws, but you are too afraid to even know or understand them. How will you ever understand me

The day you break your culture of silent humiliation is when you can break me.

Till then I will continue to love your children with my own way of good parenting skills. 

Why am i telling you all this about me? Because you will read, like and deny that I could ever happen to your child. Your absolute belief in knowing what is best for your kid and refusing to be educated or educate your child and your unwillingness to ask for help from the legal sysytem of your own country is your downfall.

Now its my turn to ask a question. Name one thing you have learnt about my profile in the comments below. Let's me also see how many of you Perfect Parents even bother to. 


  1. I can't believe that everyone still ignores you. Don't worry I will keep my kids and all around me safe.

  2. Never be silent. Be vigilant. Prepare the child

  3. What makes you think that you are the sole culprit in this big world?

  4. You are what u are because u were allowed by us but now no more shall u be.
